Video: Learn How to Make Refreshing Zobo with This Easy Recipe

Here's an easy-to-make recipe for Zobo—a refreshing drink made of hibiscus flowers.

OkayEats OkayAfrica Eats Zobo Recipe

During the month of November, OkayAfrica will celebrate and highlight all things African food.

In this new video, you'll learn how to make Zobo—a refreshing Nigerian drink made from the hibiscus flower.

Zobo, short for Zoborodo, is the Hausa word for the flower, and you can find variations of the drink in Senegal (bissap) and in the Caribbean (sorrel), to name a few.

See how it's made below, with the recipe to follow:


2 cups Zoborodo (hibiscus) leaves

3 tsp cloves

1 garlic (crushed)

½ ginger (crushed)

½ pineapple

4 cups water


1 cup simple syrup


Wash Zobo leaves and add in pot along with water, pineapple, cloves, garlic, ginger.

Leave to boil for 45mins.

Let it steep and cool down.

Add simple syrup.

Serve Chilled.


Editor: Kanil Ward

Producer: Chika Okoli

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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