About Us

OkayAfrica is the trailblazing digital destination connecting African art, music, culture, style, sports, and politics to a global audience.
Launched in 2010 as a sister site to Questlove’s Okayplayer, OkayAfrica believes in the power of using distinctive and immersive storytelling to bridge cultures and challenge stereotypes. Through our compelling articles, interviews, video content, and events, we strive to provide a fresh and authentic perspective on Africa, highlighting its rich heritage and contemporary innovations. We aim to uplift Africans on the continent and in the diaspora. We tell stories, we share good news, highlight problems, and build a future together. We are dedicated to showcasing the best of Africa - film, TV, art, culture, style and music. But we’re also committed to being there for the hard times, sharing the challenges faced and covering them with a clear-eyed consistency. For us, Africa is not a trend, it’s home. OkayAfrica is owned by Areya Media.
Nadia Neophytou
Director of Content, OkayAfrica
Nishan Kassahun
Social Media Director
Audience + Growth
Hassan Spruill
Audience Development Manager
Armelle Crump
VP of Operations