8 Tips on How to Save Money When Sending Money to Africa in 2020

WorldRemit shares some tips to help you save money when transferring money from the USA to Africa.

8 Tips on How to Save Money When Sending Money to Africa in 2020

Sponsored content from WorldRemit.

Sending money abroad has never been easier. When planning to send money, most people do not realize that they can also save money while sending money back home to friends and family. Here are some tips to help you save money.

Choose the right service

When it comes to sending money back home, the most critical decision to make is choosing the right service provider.

The majority of remittances today are still sent using bricks-and-mortar money transfer agents. As a result, you have to find the time in your busy schedule to visit a money transfer agent during business hours and then pay extortionate fees.

With the right service provider, you will not only be saving time but by digitally sending money you will also be saving money. The WorldRemit App and website is safe, fast and more convenient providing low cost, fees when sending money to friends and family back home.

The money saved on transaction fees and travel costs to money transfer agents will help to increase your disposable income, which can be used for other personal expenses during this holiday.

WorldRemit has one of the lowest remittance fees in the industry to send money to countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, South Africa and Uganda.

Determine what is important to you

When sending money this holiday, many parameters have to be taken into consideration. By being clear about what you need, you'll avoid paying for unnecessary fees and services that would cost you more than you need to pay. Some of the things to keep in mind would be:

Safety and security

We put the security of our customers' money at the heart of our business. WorldRemit operates a 100% digital pay in service, we make sure that our transactions start at a bank account, and that our users have already gone through identity checks and processes with their financial institution.

Our transactions leave a digital audit trail for tracking your money, making sure the money you send arrives in the right place on time.


Before choosing a money transfer company, look up the availability of the service to the destination where you intend to send the money to. The WorldRemit service, for example, is available in 50 send and 150 receive countries with 4 million satisfied customers to show for it. This means that you can send money from and to more countries of our choice.

Speed of transfer

There is a popular saying that time is money, so saving time while sending money actually translates to saving money. It is important, therefore, use a service that is not only available in receiving countries but also ensures that your family and friends receive the money sent, fast. 70% of WorldRemit's customers use mobile apps to send their money and 90% of all transfers completed on the platform arrive in less than 10mins.


Online transfers are often more convenient than waiting in line at a store. With the WorldRemit app, you can send money 24/7 with just a few taps on your smartphone. This makes sending money as easy as sending an instant message.

More Tips:

In the spirit of the holidays, below are more tips to help you save more money while sending money to friends and family:

Look out for special deals

Especially during holiday periods, there are special promotions and coupons that are being distributed by companies. Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities. WorldRemit is offering "no fees" on your first money transfer when you use the code FREE. All you need to do is download our app or sign up on our website, choose where you want to transfer money and how much you want to send. Then add your recipient's details and use the code FREE to get a fee-free money transfer with us.

Try something new

By being flexible and willing to change your habits, you could save big. For instance, you could try transferring money online -using our mobile app, instead of using corner store money transfer agencies that would require you to pay more in fees and in travel time to their office.

It pays to refer a friend

While saving money is the goal here, you and your friends can get money-off vouchers to use on your next transfer when you introduce someone to WorldRemit.

Download the WorldRemit app and start saving money on your transfers.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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