The South African Public Broadcaster is 'Considering' Boycotting R. Kelly's Music

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is "considering its options" following calls to boycott R. Kelly's music.

The South African Public Broadcaster is 'Considering' Boycotting R. Kelly's Music

Following multiple calls from the South African public to boycott R. Kelly's music, the South African Broadcasting Corporation ( SABC) has responded by saying that it is currently in discussions about possibly no longer playing R. Kelly's music on any of its radio stations. The news comes after mounting allegations of rape and abuse by numerous women against the singer as well as a recently released docu-series entitled Surviving R. Kelly.

SABC spokesperson Neo Momodusaid in a statement:

"We have noted media reports and public campaigns calling on the muting and banning of R Kelly's music following allegations of sexual abuse. The SABC is considering its options and will communicate its decision should the need arise in due course."

Many South Africans, including celebrities the likes of actress Pearl Thusi, have been very vocal about their decision to mute R Kelly's music. She received immense backlash, particularly from Black South African men, calling her a "pseudo-feminist" and asking why she wasn't as vocal about white men such as Harvey Weinstein and the late Hugh Hefner.

South African singer Kabomo also took to Instagram to encourage South Africans to join the global #MuteRKelly campaign and to urge the SABC to stop playing R. Kelly's music.

South African singer Jimmy Nevis also expressed how he would no longer be performing R. Kelly songs.

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