'Rwanda In Photographs: Death Then, Life Now'

Photos of daily Rwandan life are brought to an international audience in Andrew Esiebo and Brendan Bannon's 'Rwanda in Photographs: Death Then, Life Now'

'Rwanda In Photographs: Death Then, Life Now'

Award winning international photographers Andrew Esiebo and Brendan Bannonhave come together in Rwanda in Photographs: Death Then, Life Now, an exhibit seeking to shift the way in which Rwanda is viewed by the world, 20 years after the genocide. On view at The Cultural Institute at King's College London March 21st through April 30th, Rwanda in Photographs: Death Then, Life Now is the result of a workshop led by Esiebo and Bannon in which Rwandan photographers "questioned the ways in which their country is portrayed internationally." The photos series, curated by Dr. Zoe Norridge from King’s College London and Mark Sealy from Autograph, brings pictures (above) of daily life in Kigali to an international audience. Find more details on the exhibit over here

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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