Okayplayer Audio: Lushlife X Shabazz Palaces "Hale-Bopp Was the Bedouins" (Remix)

Okayplayer Audio: Lushlife X Shabazz Palaces "Hale-Bopp Was the Bedouins" (Remix)

OKP recently sang the praises of Lushlife's remarkable Plateau Vision album and now there's another reason to become a fan of the man's work. OKA favsShabazz Palaces take on the record's most Shabazz Paladociously titled track "Halle-Bopp Was the Bedouins," crafting an aquatic rework that sends off vocals to every end of the sonic spectrum, and wobbly bass-effects deep into the stratosphere. Das Racist's Heems is virtually erased from the track, making room for an extended, al dente Ish verse. Go cop that album!

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.