NYC: Turntables On The Hudson Presents 'Quantic Loft Party'

NYC: Turntables On The Hudson Presents 'Quantic Loft Party'

DJ Quantic has spent more than 10 years building a musical repertoire chalked full of soul, African, electronic, Caribbean and reggae jams. This Friday come celebrate that decade at Public Assembly in Brooklyn with the release party for his latest album The Best of Quantic: Ten Years. DJ Nickodemus will also be present, throwing down some tunes for the dancefloor. Check the flyer below for more details and RSVP at:

Stone Throw's J. Rocc gives us a taste of Quantic's discography in his special "Best of Quantic"mix below. Have fun kids.

J. Rocc, "Best of Quantic Mix"

Ayra Starr smiles on set in the music video for her hit “Jazzy’s Song.”

The Songs You Need to Hear This Week

The songs you need to hear this week, featuring Ayra Starr, Runtown, Bruce Melodie & Joeboy, Njerae and more.

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.