Nat Geo Signs Salone Superstars Bajah + the Dry Eye Crew (FREE DL)

Nat Geo Signs Salone Superstars Bajah + the Dry Eye Crew (FREE DL)

Sierra Leonean superstars Bajah + the Dry Eye Crew have just inked a deal with Nat Geo Music, joining other greats such as Balkan Beat Box, Bedoin Soundclash, Grupo Fantasma, and Toubab Krewe on their roster. B-DEC's highly anticipated international debut will be released later in 2012. Check out this month's National Geographic for a small profile on the band, and download the booty-shaking ''New Style'' here as Nat Geo's song of the week. Congrats to the Dry Eye Crew!

If you need a primer on who these guys are and what they're about, check their feature on CNN:

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.