Ice Prince Heads To Washington, D.C. In The Video For 'Yawa Go Dey'

Chocolate City's Ice Prince shares the Washington, D.C.-shot visuals for his introspective new single "Yawa Go Dey" featuring Robbie Celeste.

Ice Prince Heads To Washington, D.C. In The Video For 'Yawa Go Dey'

Chocolate City rap star Ice Prince shares his new single "Yawa Go Dey" and a Washington, D.C.-shot music video to go along with it. The stripped-down tune reveals a more reflective side of Ice Prince as he recites rhymes that share his insights on the struggles and triumphs of day-to-day life. Acoustic guitar work from newcomer Robbie Celestefurther conveys the mixed feelings of melancholy and optimism within Ice Prince's lyrics and soulful delivery as they both stroll along the streets of D.C. Revisit the Nigerian star's recent videos for "Marry You" and "Mutumina," and check him out in our Okayafrica TV Afrobeats At SXSW episode alongside Sarkodie and R2Bees. Watch Ice Prince's new music video for the introspective "Yawa Go Dey" below.

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.