Malte Wandel's Ghanaian Street Photography

This is about a series of photographs captured by Malte Wandel during his 9 months journey in Ghana.

Malte Wandel's Ghanaian Street Photography

We came across this series of photographs from artist Malte Wandeland were blown away by his incredible understanding of the environment and his subjects. There's nothing to compare with the feeling, power, originality and beauty of Malte Wandel's Please Don't Smile project. In a 9-month journey to Ghana, he took a series of portraits illustrating a part of the fashion landscape in West Africa — a spectacular raw beauty and contrast emerges through these portraits. It's worth remembering that fashion doesn't necessarily come from runways and magazines. Furthermore, and most notably, you'll probably feel the eccentricity emanating from these shots, then you'll be fascinated by the realness of the individuals. Beauty truly lies in the eye of the beholder. What do you think?

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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Arts + Culture

Meet Four Women Pushing Ivorian Art Forward Through Photography

These young and emerging female photographers from Côte d'Ivoire are shaking up Abidjan's art scene.