Delphine Diallo's 'Human Evolution'

Photographer Delphine Diallo responds to Vogue Italia's racist editorial with through her triptych"Human Evolution."

Delphine Diallo's 'Human Evolution'

Delphine Diallos' 'Human Evolution.' Model: Mengly Hernandez.

French/Senegalese photographer Delphine Diallo reached out to us after learning about Vogue Italia's recent controversial editorial with a response to the fashion magazine's racist spread through her own images. Human Evolution, a triptych the photographer shot just last week, is a reaction to what Diallo calls "a bad vision spread all around the world."

The three panels of the piece feature model Mengly Hernandez in shifting patterns of face paint — "Yoruba 'body painting,' Chinese 'yin-yang,' and Japanese 'geisha.'" Diallo explained to us,

"The concept behind the tryptic was to show the conscious history of a human being through ritual experience (body painting). The relationship between the different cultures & traditions, and their fusion, projects an idea and vision for a new millennium. It's time for us to be more reactive and engage ourselves to propose an alternative beauty in fashion. We won't just fight for having more black people in the fashion industry but fight for opening our culture to others and realize they all need each other."

View Delphine Diallo's Human Evolution above and follow her Tumblr & Instagram for more of her striking work.

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