Young Guru, the man who's held down the decks for Jay-Z since The Dynasty days, is launching a Scholarship Fund at the School of Audio Engineering (SAE Institute) in Cape Town by hosting two workshops this coming Monday— one on-campus and another at Mitchell's Plain. According to Sowetan Live,
More than 180 people, made up of students and other up-and-coming producers will spend time with [Guru] over the two days, with a few students being short-listed and screened, before he is to make his pick for one to receive tuition worth R60,000 to study at the Institute in Cape Town. [Guru]’s Scholarship Fund would be an annual event- and the Institute said a 5-year plan
While in town, Guru will also lay down a set at Long Street’s Zula Bar, alongside local DJs Ready D and DJ Azuhl. See the flyer below for more info.