Watch Teni's New Music Video For 'Moslado'

The Nigerian star unleashes a new Missy Elliott-inspired visual.

Teni in "Moslado"

Teni comes through with the new music video for "Moslado," one of the clear highlight tracks from her album Wondaland.

The Nigerian artist unveals her new alter-ego, Makanaki in this new 90s-style music video directed by Alien, inspired by MIssy Elliott's classic visuals.

"To me, Wondaland is a complete body of work that best introduces Teni the Entertainer and who I am to different people and also to me," Teni explained Native. "To some, I am Oba Orin, the girl that can sing her heart out while to others and myself, I am Makanaki, the no-nonsense, brave, personality which I think I derived from my late father, not forgetting the One take God side of me which is very spontaneous."

For more, make sure to revisit our interview feature Teni Is a Star Reborn on 'Wondaland' and Beyond.

Watch the captivating visuals for "Moslado" below.


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