Video: Sean Metelerkamp 'Pantsula vs Puppets' x Studio Africa

South African video director Sean Metelerkamp teams up with Diesel and Edun to shoot 'Pantsula vs Puppets' for Studio Africa

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Director Sean Metelerkamp has teamed up with Diesel + Edun to create a short film for the labels’ collaboration Studio Africa. Famous for his work for Die Antwoord, Metelerkamp’s "Pantsula vs Puppets" draws on pantsula culture, with dancers from Real Actions crew taking centre stage. Established in 1992, Real Actions channel the talent and creative energies of Joburg youth through dance. Here the crew displays all the precision and flair of pantsula dance head to head with puppets. Shot in Soweto, the video is set to The Very Best Moroka‘s track‘Ndekha’. 

This is Metelerkamp’s first collaboration with a clothing brand, and he says that while he allowed the clothes to shape the look of the video, he also aimed to harness the creative spirit of the area, remain true to his own artistic vision and share both with the rest of the world: ‘it was actually something new to me that I ended up really enjoying’.

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