MERKATO is a documentary on Addis Ababa's open air market, one of the largest and oldest in all of Africa. The film focuses on the differing lives of a selected group of locals with ties to the market and the ominous threat of modernization. In filmmaker Sosena Solomon's own words:
From the perspective of five personal stories a reflection emerges of a fascinating place that is a true microcosm of the human condition. The culture and way of life for many of Merkato's merchants is under threat by modern development. MERKATO is the final portrait of the people who LIVE, WORK and DREAM within this rapidly transforming reality... The modern development in Ethiopia and its overall impact on the people and culture of this unique community is threatening the survival of MERKATO. I knew this moment had to be documented to share the unheard voices of the people affected the most.
For the next month, Sosena is campaigning for funds to support the film and have it seen around the globe. Head to her Kickstarter to learn more and donate few bucks to an amazing project!
Plus, check out a preview clip of the vibrant life and characters featured in MERKATO above.