Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's New Short Story Articulates What We All Think About Melania Trump
Melania Trump is a clingy, Michelle Obama-obsessed loner in Adichie's new short story for New York Times' T Magazine, "Janelle Asked to the Bedroom."
In a new "micronovel," published in The New York Times' T Magazine, in conjunction with their recent "The Greats" issue, Nigerian novelist Chimamada Ngozi Adichie offers a thought-provoking, fictitious account of an encounter with Melania Trump.
The shorty story entitled Janelle Asked to the Bedroom, paints a pitying image of the first lady from the perspective of a back woman named Janelle,who we're made to believe is one of the first lady's aides. Janelle is summoned to "Mrs. T's"—as Melania is referred to throughout the story—bedroom, where she finds a melancholy Mrs. T nestled in bed, watching Michelle Obama videos.
It paints a picture of the first lady, which plays into the popular narrative that she's somewhat of a discontent pawn. A "wannabe" Michelle Obama—with none of the makings to even be compared to her cherished predecessor—thrust into the debauchery of the American political spotlight, perhaps unwillingly. None of which excuses her, however, from blindly supporting her husband's stupidity and hate-fueled agenda. The story substantiates—to a degree—the complex yet ambiguous feelings that many have about the first lady, and further complicates her image by imagining an ordinarily human side of her—something we don't often see behind her largely robotic demeanor.
The fact, though, is that we don't really know what goes on inside the first lady's head, but if we were to imagine, it might be largely along the lines of what Adichie writes about her in her short story.
Why an entire story centered on Melania Trump? We're not sure either, but we have a feeling that the story is larger than just her experience, and more so a subtle commentary on loneliness, empathy, fate, racial tensions and power. Read the full, six part story below, via T Magazine's Instagram page.