Tunde Olaniran 'The Highway'

Stream electropop experimentalist Tunde Olaniran's latest single "The Highway."

Tunde Olaniran 'The Highway'

"The Highway" is the second taste off electropop experimentalist Tunde Olaniran's upcoming Yung Archetype EP. The track builds on a squeaky sample and reverberating bass while Michigan-based Tunde reflects "on gentrification and... the I-475, a Michigan highway that was created as a way to connect workers to large car production plants in Flint." The whole thing has him sounding like the Midwest version of Young Fathers. Stream the track below and, for more from the EP, check out his recently featured "Brown Boy" remixes. Tunde's Yung Archetype EP is due February 25 on Quite Scientific.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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