Video: DJ/Rupture Live Set + Interview at Open Arti

Video: DJ/Rupture Live Set + Interview at Open Arti

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Jace Clayton bka DJ/Rupture was the last musician to stop by Italian blog Palm Wine's Open Arti talks on the mutation of art and music as a result of technological development. Rupture talked about his multiple identies as a producer/journalist/researcher/academic and touched on his incredible work with Sufi plug-ins — which are software synthesizers hardwired to North African maqam scales. Watch a clip of the talk plus a DJ set by Rupture above and below. Also, check out a previous Open Arti talk with Chief Boima and Venus X.

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(H/T Palm Wine)

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.