Audio: FOKN Bois 'FOKN Wit Ewe'

Audio: FOKN Bois 'FOKN Wit Ewe'

Last year, Ghana's most unique mathafuckas FOKN Bois managed to offend an entire nation with their tongue-in-cheek jab "Thank God We're Not A Nigerians." They've since penned the world's first pidgen musical Coz Ov Moni and shot a video for one of our hands-down favorite tracks "Brkn Lngwjz."

Well, M3nsa and Wanlov are at it again with new album FOKN Wit Ewe. This time no one's spared — track titles like "Strong Homosexual Guys," "Laffin At Cripples,"Want To Be White," and "Sexin Islamic Girls" give you a clue. FOKN Wit Ewe is up for FREE DOWNLOAD this week only. Stream and grab it below.

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

10 Classic South African House Songs You Need to Hear

Here are 10 of the best South African house tracks released over the years.

Nelson Mandela free from prison visiting a school doing the black power salute.

12 Essential Anti-Apartheid Struggle Songs from South Africa & Around the World

It wasn't just South African musicians—artists from around the continent and the world all stood up in solidarity and released anti-Apartheid songs.