Video: Monoswezi 'Ndinewe/Xtimela' + 'Hondo'

Zimbabwean traditional music blends with modern jazz to create Monoswezi's blend of soundscapes.

Video: Monoswezi 'Ndinewe/Xtimela' + 'Hondo'

Monoswezi is a collective of musicians drawn from all over the globe: Mozambique, Norway, Sweden and Zimbabwe. The band is made up by Hope Masike (voice, mbira, percussion), Calu Tsemane (voice, percussion), Hallvard Godal (saxophone, clarinet), Putte Johander (bass) and Erik Nylander (drums and percussion). Their music blends traditional African rhythms from Zimbabwe and Mozambique with influences from jazz and other contemporary music forms to create a beautiful fusion of soundscapes. The video below captures the band's performance at the World Music Festival in Oslo, Norway, in November and '"Hondo" (below the video) is their most recent single.

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​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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