Video: The Very Best 'Kondaine ft. Seye'

Video: The Very Best 'Kondaine ft. Seye'

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Following their Weezy-esque clip in the streets of Nairobi, The Very Best and newcomer UK/Nigerian Seye head to the countryside where they down a hallucinogenic "Kondaine" concoction with Turkana tribesmen and proceed to trip the fuck out. A goat is slaughtered in a sacrificial ceremony (fairly graphic footage of that. by the way, a warning for the weak stomachs) which turns Johan, Esau and Seye into the same four-legged mammal. Watch the Village Beat-directed music video above. The Very Best's upcoming MTMTMK is up for pre-order on iTunes now.

(H/T SG)

A screenshot from the music video for Wizkid’s “Kese" by Wizkid, Starboy TV/YouTube.

Wizkid Keeps the Party Going in the Music Video for “Kese”

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