Video: MCK 'Nomes, Rimas e Palavras'

Video: MCK 'Nomes, Rimas e Palavras'

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Angolan rapper MCK isn't unfamiliar with government oppression. A recent profile on The Economist notes how MCK "gained fame in 2003 after presidential guards in Luanda murdered a 27-year-old car-washer whom they caught singing his anti-government lyrics." In the same article the Luanda-based emcee claims he was offered "$500,000 to stop rapping" —money which he never took. On his latest album Proibido Ouvir Isto (Forbidden To Hear This), MCK continues his exposure of  the national government's silencing tactics and corruption. See the black-and-white clip for "Nomes, Rimas e Palavras" above and check out his striking "O Pais Do Pai Banana," which accuses Angolan president José Eduardo Dos Santos "of treating his country like a colonial fief" below.

[H/T The Economist]

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​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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