Kwaai Diva Umlilo Shares A 30-Minute “Sonic Eruption" On His Latest Mix ‘Vuta’

South African kwaai diva extraordinaire Umlilo shares the experimental mixtape 'Vuta.'

Kwaai Diva Umlilo Shares A 30-Minute “Sonic Eruption" On His Latest Mix ‘Vuta’

Umlilo. Photo by Rudi Geyser.

Future kwaai diva extraordinaire Umliloreturns with his latest project Vuta, a 30-minute mix that was initially shared via fellow South African musician Jumping Back Slash’s Radar Radio UK show. The mix sees Umlilo experimenting with newly produced sonic compositions while also drawing on sounds from his latest EP Aluta.

“[Vuta] takes the more unexpected route fusing different sounds together to create a cohesive mix that flows like a serene yet frantic movie. The mix contains new compositions and arrangements remixed with released songs,” says the artist in a press release. The mixtape serves as a bit of a teaser while the performance artist works on his upcoming EP, which will be the last in a trilogy that includes 2013’s Shades of Kwaai and last year’s Aluta.

Listen to the strikingly experimental Vuta mix below and revisit Umlilo’s music video for last year’s “Reprocity.”

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