6 Shots from STR.CRD: Pop-Up Shops

Photos from STR.CRD: Pop-Up Shops in Jo'burg.

6 Shots from STR.CRD: Pop-Up Shops

Last night's sneak peek of the pop-up shops at STR.CRD displayed an impressive line up of this year's brands. Top Shop, Palladium, Tiger, and other big names were there alongside local South African outfits like 2Bop, Crazy White Bitches and Missshape. The parking garage at Constitution Hill once again became the playground for industry folks and journos (all strapped with DSLRs). The pop-up shop reveal was a test run for the labels before the festival is opened to the public today and they fared very well.

The free Jameson prevents me from remembering who I was speaking to, but after telling someone that I missioned to STR.CRD to see what the kids in SA are up to, they told me "the kids will be at the festival tomorrow, tonight are the grown ups who take inspiration from their DIY style and commoditize it." There may be some truth to that, but ultimately there were also some pretty original looks on the racks.

JakobSnake and his Gaartjie crew hosted the official after party at Braamfontein's staple debauchery house Kitcheners Bar. it was a packed-out free-for-all that ended when our asses got shoved out the front door at 4am. Once again, kinda fun.

Today's the main event. Let's see what the kids are doing this season.

Photos by Karabo Maine.

STR.CRD organisor, Hardy McQueen

Durban-based MISSSHAPE label

Lost Property Mail Order

Bonus Photos


Fani (right) from Crazy White Bitches

For more STR.CRD coverage take a look at these 6 snaps from opening night.

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