Ryan Coogler Talks the Making of 'Black Panther' With OkayAfrica at the Brooklyn Academy of Music

The director of "Black Panther' tells us about the making of the trailblazing film with OkayAfrica's CEO.

Ryan Coogler Talks the Making of 'Black Panther' With OkayAfrica at the Brooklyn Academy of Music

Last night, OkayAfrica in collaboration with Okayplayer, hosted an advanced screening of 'Black Panther' at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

Attendees came out dressed for greatness, in their best "royal" attire, walking the red carpet before heading into BAM's Harvey Theater to finally experience Wakanda.

Afterwards, CEO Abiola Oke and director Ryan Coogler sat down for an intimate conversation about the themes of blackness in Black Panther and the making of the film.

The discussion was full of gems as Coogler recalled making connections between rituals in his hometown of Oakland and ones he observed on his first trip to South Africa, shared the five films that inspired him to become a director, and discussed Black Panther's profound cultural impact. Coogler also discussed the prominence of the movie's female character's, and why portraying African women with agency was such an important part of the film.

Check out Ryan Coogler in conversation below.

It was a moving night and momentous occasion to celebrate the importance of the groundbreaking film ahead of its theater release. Coogler's idol, Spike Lee was also in the building for the festivities. Check out some photos from the event below.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

Photo by Travis Matthews.

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