City Guide: RedRed's Guide to Budapest

Afro-electronic duo RedRed—comprised of M3NSA and ELO—show us their favorite Budapest spots and tell us where to find the best African food.

City Guide: RedRed's Guide to Budapest

DIASPORA—In our series City Guide, we ask our favorite musicians, actors, artists and celebrities what their go-to spots are in their hometown.

In this latest installment, the afro-electronic duo RedRedcomprised of Ghanaian FOKN Bois songwriter M3NSA and Hungarian producer ELO—show us their favorite spots and tell us where to find the best African food in Budapest.

Get a taste of what the city has to offer with RedRed's guide to Budapest below and make sure to check out the group's latest single, "Sisimbo."

Favorite music venue

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RedRed:A38. One of the best clubs on earth, it's built on a Russian stone miner ship on the Danube and has a solid sound and program.

Best nightspot

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RR: Telep andKözpont, the hipster magnets of the town. If you want to see a fellow musician, journalist or artist you just go there and find a dozen. In the summertime the same thing happens at Pontoon, a very nice outdoor spot at the feet of the chain bridge

Favorite place to get a drink

One of the thousand Ruin Pubs. Just to check our fresh world sensation. These are old abandoned buildings with cheap booze and drunken English stagnighters.

Watch RedRed's new music video for "Sisimbo"

Best restaurant

Depends on your taste. You can find everything from Michelin star deer steaks to agusi at our favorite African chop bar. But for some unique Budapest stuff you should go to Rosenstein.

Favorite spot to take a date

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Top of the Buda castle tunnel. The ultimate romantic spot in town, with the trademark view of our town.

Best outdoor activity

Hiking in the Buda hills. We're lucky to have a whole forest and mountain system inside our city. It's incredibly refreshing to leave the busy downtown area and get into the woods in 20 minutes.

Best place to write music

The veranda in our nice cottage

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Where do you go for inspiration?

Stay in the garden or go to Ghana.

Any other spots you'd like to highlight?

The world famous bath houses, the city market, Margaret island, and Gül Baba's Türbe.

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