The Washington Slizzards Have the Smoothest Song You'll Hear All Week

Ras Nebyu, Haile Supreme and Corbin Butler connect for "Don't Forget."

The Washington Slizzards Have the Smoothest Song You'll Hear All Week

We've been following the output of the D.C.-based rapper Ras Nebyu since his addictive Ethiopian cover of "Controlla."

The Ethiopian-American rapper now comes through with the visual for "Don't Forget," a track built on one of the smoothest bass lines we've heard in a long while.

"Don't Forget" sees Nebyu connecting with two other buzzing D.C. artists, rapper/producer Corbin Butlerand Haile Supreme (of Congo Sanchez). All three are members of the Washington Slizzards, a creative collective of artists coming out of an increasingly flourishing D.C. rap scene.

"'Don't Forget' is a song about remembering all the good & bad things you have endured in life with as little regret as possible because all these things make you who you are in the present moment," Ras Nebyu tells us. The track, which was produced by Arckitech, was featured in Nebyu's latest project, Slizzatrism.

The single's music video, created by Slizzica & Kubi, follows the three artists as they make their way around the city's U St. area—spot classic D.C. establishments like Ben's Chili Bowl in the background.

Get into the music video for "Don't Forget," premiering here today, below.

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