Rachel Dolezal Begins Press Tour for Her Book Thanks to Big Media Giving Her the Time of Day

In the interviews done so far, Rachel Dolezal reveals how she got the name 'Nkechi' and how she will start her book tour in South Africa.

Rachel Dolezal Begins Press Tour for Her Book Thanks to Big Media Giving Her the Time of Day

*Channels my inner Nigerian mother*

This Rachel Dolezal of a person has come again.

And the media big wigs aren't helping. At all.

Everyone's favorite confused, delusional troll began promoting her book doing interviews with BBC Newsnight, The New York Times and Vice so far—and it's only Tuesday.

There's this fine line, or spectrum of sorts, between wanting to make the public aware of foolishness and just straight clickbait trolling. These entities are willing to risk quite a bit for the sake of impressions and ratings. Think piece after think piece ever since her biological parents exposed her, I think we've all made it very clear that we don't rock with her in any capacity. So, why are we continuing to give her a platform to spew nonsense?

In her sit-down with The New York Times, she's taken the time to address quite a bit and answer questions from viewers (yessss to all the scathing ones), including how she got the name Nkechi. She claims it was given to her by the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, and that she intended to keep it private.

"A representative from that tribe reached just to say that 'we recognize you for being yourself,"' she says. "From his perspective he said 'you have a high frequency Nubian soul...and you are sent here from the gods to traumatize white supremecy.' It was a very bold statement."

Firstly, whose uncle deemed it upon himself to speak for an entire ethnic group? If this is indeed the truth, he should know better and recognize (rather, remember) how serious naming a person, especially when a child is born, is. It's not just an important aspect of Igbo culture, but in African culture in general.

In response to a question asking if she thinks the exposure she's gotten has done any good, and gone towards increasing conversations about race in America, she says:

"People have been thinking about how we racialize and how we categorize—and I'll actually be doing my first signing in South Africa, where a group is launching a quest for a non-racial South African society and really believes that we can self-define and self-determine, and somebody can represent as Khoi-San without necessarily labeling or being labeled as black, or African in general, but as Khoi-San because it's a very specific cultural affiliation and identity."

Yet again, I was thrown all the way off by this, and I could write a thesis as to why this not only makes no sense, as well as why she really needs to go have several seats. I need my folks over at Mzani to get their kin, because making a quick buck at the expense of selling your own people out is ridiculous.

How can she take the legacy of those who fought for the South African struggle and turn it upside down to fit her la-la land of a world? How can she oversimplify being 'transracial' and 'living in a non-racial society' where it comes down to choice, when there are still systems in place on the continent and all over the world that are remnants of racism, colonialism and even apartheid; when people are still dying, in 2017, over the color of their skin?

If you can stomach it, watch the full ordeal below.

It's high time we quit it with checking for her, and that starts with these platforms that we hold at high esteem.

If you really want to support actual black women who are doing great things and writing amazing books, check out how via the hashtag on Twitter: #ActualBlackWomen.

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