This Photo Series Is Calling Out the Rampant Corruption Among Nigeria's Political Elite

"No Place For Our Dreams," by photographer Ifebusola Shotunde, is an attempt to challenge the ills of Nigerian politics as the country's rescheduled election day draws near.

This Photo Series Is Calling Out the Rampant Corruption Among Nigeria's Political Elite
Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

Nigerian youth continue to use creative mediums to express due critique to the political systems that claim to represent them.

Photographer Ifebusola Shotunde's new photo series seeks to do just that, utilizing photography and augmented reality to narrate a story that presents the adverse consequences of immoral acts on the people, by the political elite.

No Place For Our Dreams, inspired by Femi Kuti's album, No Place For My Dream, follows a political aspirant seeking a top position in government who connives with various levels of society all in the pursuit of power. Each character represents Nigeria's different demographics and is portrayed by young Nigerians aligned with Shotunde's belief that the masses hold the power to change Nigeria.

The series is a parody taking the all too common behavioral patterns seen in Nigerian politics to task, as Shotunde took the images to the streets of Lagos reminiscent of campaign posters in lieu of a traditional gallery exhibition.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

"My reason for going ahead with this project was to start a conversation on how we, as ordinary people, suffer from the incompetence of our so-called leaders," Shotunde says in a statement. "I decided to show the work on the streets because it gives a wider range of Nigerians a chance to see the work and discuss possible ways of making the country a better place, regardless of what 'they' throw at us. Ultimately, I want us to provoke conversation around the state of politics in Nigeria in attempt to bring about this change."

Ahead of Nigeria's rescheduled elections at the end of this week, take a look at Ifebusola Shotunde's No Place For Our Dreams along with its accompanying narrative below.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

The series starts from when a political aspirant seeks support from the Godfather.

After successfully receiving the blessing of the Godfather, a rally is held, endorsed by the Godfather, where he promises Lagosians everything they have always dreamed of, duping the people to like him and vote for him.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

In his desperate attempt to win over the people, he bribes a religious leader to support and endorse him when addressing his congregation.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

The aspirant's ambitions increase further still, and he generates a plan to cause chaos in the city, using a group of political thugs, in an attempt to undermine the incumbent government.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

Consequently, his political thugs abduct a university student.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

The student's only sibling is devastated by the abduction of his younger sister, and he begins printing and pasting posters of his sister around the city, declaring that she has gone missing.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

Meanwhile, the political thugs attend a matriculation ceremony at a university to scout for additional recruits. They successfully initiate a fresher who joins the cult.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

There is a cult clash on campus and as a result, the new recruit is gunned down by a rival cult member.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

The police (Federal SARS), who are also on the payroll of the political aspirant, create a roadblock and abduct a group of innocent young Nigerian males to be framed for the abduction of the student.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

Photo by Ifebusola Shotunde.

However, the police release the abducted child on the orders of the political aspirant, who emerges as the hero, claiming he ensured the police did everything in their power to rescue the missing person.

To keep up with Shotunde, follow him on Instagram here.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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