Idris Elba Is People's 2018 Pick for 'Sexiest Man Alive'—Finally.

We been knew.

Idris Elba Is People's 2018 Pick for 'Sexiest Man Alive'—Finally.

People Magazine's announced who is gracing their cover for the 2018 'Sexiest Man Alive' issue—and it's none other than everyone's fav Idris Elba.

Although he's the 33rd man to achieve the superlative, we're content that people (pun intended) are finally putting respeck on his name.

Elba received the news on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Monday night, check out his reaction below.

Jimmy Unveils People's 2018 Sexiest Man

"My mum is going to be very, very proud," he says.

Folks on Twitter affirmed that we aren't the only ones who were thinking 'water is wet' when the news broke, but still proud all the same.

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