Ibeyi Return With Hypnotizing New Song 'Recurring Dream'

Afro-Cuban twin sisters Naomi and Lisa-Kaindé Díaz are back.



Photo: Gio Kardava (via XL)

Ibeyi—longtime OkayAfrica favorites—have been relatively quiet for a while, but they've now shared the new single "Recurring Dream," an original song written from Ed Morris' film How to Stop a Recurring Dream.

The Afro-Cuban twin sister duo of Naomi and Lisa-Kaindé Díaz made their mark with their XL Recordings albums Ibeyi (2015) and Ash (2017), as well as notable features like being inBeyoncé's Lemonade. They now return with the hypnotizing, synth-lead "Recurring Dream."

Ibeyi previously worked with director Ed Morris on several music videos, including the standout "River." His new film, How to Stop A Recurring Dream, stars Ruby Barker (Bridgerton) and is available for streaming now.

Ibeyi are currently working on their third studio album. In the meantime, check out "Recurring Dream" below and revisit their performance for OkayAcoustic underneath.

Recurring Dreamyoutu.be

Okay Acoustic With Ibeyiyoutu.be

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