Canadian-Ghanaian 'Poetronica' Artist Ian Keteku's 'Love & Lumumba' LP

Ghanaian-Canadian Ian Keteku is set to release his futuristic new LP 'Love & Lumumba' on February 11, via Nocturne Records.

Canadian-Ghanaian 'Poetronica' Artist Ian Keteku's 'Love & Lumumba' LP

Ian Keteku's sophomore album Love & Lumumba is a narrative soundscape of poetry caressed by futuristic electronic melodies. As a first generation Canadian born to Ghanaian parents, Keteku explores the idea of African identity through his own reflection on past history and present struggles in his mission to imagine a new future worth fighting for.

In an e-mail with the self-coined 'poetronica' artist, Okayafrica was able to receive some insight from Keteku on the inspiration behind his new project and the meaning of the LP's title: "As humans, we all know what it is like to fight for an idea, a goal, someone. Sometimes this fight takes our whole lives, sometimes it takes our life. Much like [Patrice] Lumumba who was murdered as a result of his passion for his country and Africa. The album explores what it means to be African today, the fights we fought the battles we still struggle with. But I believe the 'war' is best fought with love."

"Proxima Centauri," the first single from the LP, was released alongside some stunning afrofuturistic visuals directed by Keteku and Jason HennessyPaul Janicki (Redlight Productions). This 'poetronica' sound-piece is a beautiful mixture of meditative, stream-of-consciousness lyricism and soft electronic ambiance. Watch the video for Ian Keteku's "Proxima Centauri" below. Love & Lumumba, is out today via Nocturne Records, and available on Bandcamp.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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