Prêt-À-Poundo: 'Top 10 Looks of the Day' — Queens and Kings

This is a Top 10 "Look of the Day" featuring fashion trends, photography of beautiful models.

Prêt-À-Poundo: 'Top 10 Looks of the Day' — Queens and Kings

Everyday we highlight a “Look of the Day” on our Facebook page. We thought that you’d like to see the best of the best all in one spot, so we’ll be routinely compiling some Top Looks of the Day for you. This week, we focused on the aura, the invisible luminous radiation emanating from these Queens and Kings, that can come from a picture. Every picture has a different vibe but there was one essential rule: charisma and beauty must be met. Indeed, you'll discover pictures featuring haute-couture, editorial or casual. No matter the initial topic, these beautiful pictures will move you. Add us on Facebook to see plenty more “Look of the Day” selections.

Tweet #LookOfTheDay to talk about our Top 10.

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