The Origins of the Afro Pick [Gallery]

From a piece of wood to a symbol of black power, afro combs transcended into the ages bringing new ideas for black individuals in culture and personal style

The Origins of the Afro Pick [Gallery]

Did you know the Afro comb, or ‘pick,’ dates back centuries? The recent exhibit Origins of the Afro Comb brings the combs and their impact on culture to The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England. Combs dating from pre-dynastic Egypt to modern day 'black fist' styles, which have been sported by our boss-man ?uestlove, are all featured. The exhibit discusses the sociocultural identity of afro combs and their effect on black individuals throughout the years, tying into our previous discussion of non-conformity and black hairOrigins of the Afro Comb runs from July 2nd to November 3rd 2013.

[H/T African Digital Art]

Maasai people. Men spend hours braiding each othersí long ochred colored hair. Near Amboseli National Park, Kenya
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13 of Our Favorite Books On Black Resistance and Revolution
Arts + Culture

13 of Our Favorite Books On Black Resistance and Revolution

Here are 13 of the most influential books about resistance and revolution by black visionaries.