This Video of Danai Gurira and Chadwick Boseman Taking on the Fear Box Will Make Your Day

The latest episode of Vanity Fair's "Fear Box" features two member of the "Black Panther" cast—and it's hilarious.

This Video of Danai Gurira and Chadwick Boseman Taking on the Fear Box Will Make Your Day

As we're three days away from Black Panther's release, Danai Gurira and Chadwick Boseman take on the "Fear Box" over at Vanity Fair.

The game has both participants put their hand in a box (without looking) and guess what the animal or random item is by touch. The anxiety of possibly touching one's worst fear is what makes it all the more entertaining.

In this episode, Boseman takes one for the team as Gurira can't help but peek in the box to know what she's getting into. We'll let her cheating slide—her haircut makes up for it.

Watch the video below.

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