Ghanaians React to a Failed Attempt to Expose an Undercover Journalist With the Hilarious Hashtag #IamAnas

An attempt to expose the whistleblowing Ghanaian journalist, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, has resulted in some truly hilarious social media reactions.

Ghanaians React to a Failed Attempt to Expose  an Undercover Journalist With the Hilarious Hashtag #IamAnas

Anas Aremeyaw Anas, the award-winning undercover journalist has entered the limelight once again prior to the premiere of his latest documentary and expose, Number 12.

Anas' identity was thought to have been revealed by Ghanaian authorities in the lead-up to the documentary, but sources have begun naming a number of other potential suspects. Since then, folks on social media took the opportunity to take the search to a new level using the hashtag #IAmAnas.

If you're unfamiliar with the incognito journalist, here's some background information:

Anas' first notable investigative work was published back in 2015 fostered a judicial scandal and gained him notoriety as a thorough, public-serving journalist. His documentary revealed the corruption in Ghana's judicial system, featuring recordings of several prominent court judges who took bribes. His work led to the investigation of around 170 judicial officers, and more than 30 judges a part of the scandal.

Now, Anas will be debuting his latest project centered on the corruption of the Ghana Football Association. For anyone who still doubts his capabilities in uncovering truths on this topic, a few hours ago, Anas released a clip of the Greater Accra Regional Football Association Chairman, Eddie Doku, accepting a bribe for the selection and playtime for player Patrick Razak of the Black Stars.

Following the announcement of Anas' upcoming piece , earlier this week, Ghanaian Member of Parliament, Kennedy Agyapong, vowed to discredit and eliminate Anas. On Adom FM, he stated that Anas, "has to be hanged," as reported by Ghana Web.

Some question the reason behind Agyapong's determination to destroy Anas. He has already instigated violence against the journalist, asking the public to strike Anas if ever encountered. There has been some speculation that in Number 12, Agyapong will be revealed to have been a part of the new football scandal.

Agyapong's recent photo reveal of Anas backfired and turned into a new social media challenge, which has generated the most hilarious of reactions in conjunction with the more serious #SayNoToCorruption.

Citizens of Ghana are awaiting the premiere of Anas' documentary tonight, which will be streamed on Facebook live at 3:00pm, and can be viewed in centers and theaters around Ghana over the next few days. In the meantime, enjoy our compilation of the best social media reactions to #iamAnas below.

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