Bajah & Captain Planet Salute Ebola Doctors In 'Out of Hand'

Sierra Leonean rapper Bajah teams up with DJ Captain Planet and Brooklyn Shanti for "Out of Hand," a song about the ongoing Ebola crisis.

Bajah & Captain Planet Salute Ebola Doctors In 'Out of Hand'

A few months ago, Sierra Leonean rapper/singer Bajah (of Bajah + The Dry Eye Crewspoke to Okayafrica about the ongoing Ebola crisis in West Africa, describing the situation as "out of hand." Striving to inform the world that the epidemic still goes on today — having caused more than 7,500 deaths — and in support of the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders, the New York-based musician now shares a song of the same name. "Out of Hand," a collaboration with 'gumbo funk' purveyor Captain Planet and tropical bass pioneer Brooklyn Shanti that began as a freestyle, has Bajah singing over percussive whips and electronic pinches, with deep yearning in his voice. "My people are bleeding, Ebola is killing them, Everyday like flies," he raps, trying to bring painful attention to the disease. Listen to "Out of Hand" below. The song is also available for download at Music Equals Medicine with a donation to Doctors Without Borders.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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