Audio: The Very Best "Yalira (Douster Remix)" + Interview

Audio: The Very Best "Yalira (Douster Remix)" + Interview

Thanks to Eddie "STATS" over at The Fader's Ghetto Palms (not to be confused with his other other blog), we get a full update on the amazing, the fantastic, The Very Best. Find out more about the beginnings of TVB including Radioclit's initial description of Esau Mwamwaya: "he's like the African Phil Collins!" Also check out what Hugo (one half of Radioclit) has to say about the evolution of TVB, and where they are today, in an exclusive interview.  Stats also puts us on to the release of a remix LP of The Very Best's debut offering, Warm Heart of Africa (a staple OKA fave), available in the states today!

Listen + download "Yalira (Douster remix)" by The Very Best.  Then head over to Ghetto Palms for the full scoop, including plenty of music.

The Very Best, "Yalira (Douster Remix)" by The FADER

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