Video: Parker Ighile 'So Beautiful'

Watch the black-and-white music video for Rihanna & Nicki Minaj's Nigerian producer Parker Ighile's solo single "So Beautiful"

Video: Parker Ighile 'So Beautiful'

London-based Nigerian producer Parker Ighile , a man whose racked up production credits for Rihanna and Nicki Minaj, drops the black-and-white visuals to his first solo single "So Beautiful" — a melancholy-tinged pop composition built on synthesizer arpeggios and ambulance sirens. The Los Angeles-shot music video is the first taste from Ighile's upcoming Young, Dumb & 21 mixtape, the prequel to his debut album on Nicki Minaj's record label (of which he was the first signee). Watch "So Beautiful" below, it's got definite pop potential.

​Photo illustration by Kaushik Kalidindi, Okayplayer.

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