Video: Congo Beat Making Lab 'Zenga'

Watch Congo Beat Making Lab's street-shot video for "Zenga," featuring the Congolese double neck guitarist Flamme Kapaya.

Video: Congo Beat Making Lab 'Zenga'

A mere week after we premiered Congo Beat Making Lab's guitar-flanked "Zenga" we get the DRC-shot visuals for the track. The video (and song) star double neck guitar-toting shredder Flamme Kapaya — who's seen in the clip performing, riding an oversized wooden bike and just plain hanging with the kids in Goma, DRC. "Zenga" was recorded by Pierce Freelon and Apple Juice Kid with young Congolese artists and students through their Beat Making Lab project. Check out Congo Beat Making Lab's stomper  lead single "Cho Cho Cho" and grab their free Amani Goma EP.

10 African Music Projects You May Have Missed This Year

10 African Music Projects You May Have Missed This Year

From the scintillating ballads of Dwin, The Stoic to the post-R&B explorations of Xenia Manasseh, here are 10 standout projects that may have gone under your radar throughout the ever-busy African music year.

Fulu Miziki believes in second chances by making harmony from scraps.

Get to Know Congolese Collective Fulu Miziki

Kinshasa-based Fulu Miziki uses recycled trash to make their own, unique musical instruments.