BLK JKS Working With Vieux Farka Toure

South African music quartet BLK JKS are recording a track with Viuex Farka Toure.

BLK JKS Working With Vieux Farka Toure

Today, the interweb's leaking with word that South African punk-dub ensemble BLK JKS are working on a collaboration track with Malian guitarist/singer Vieux Farka Touré. Toure told Rolling Stone SA during a recording session at Stoep Studio:

It's not my first time to play with Blk Jks – we are old friends and have played together live before... When you are an artist, to do something with another artist you have to really like them... [he described the collaboration as] Mali rock meets South African rock."

Look for the release soon. In the meantime hear Viex Farka Touré collaboration track with Fatoumata Diawara and Amadou & Mariam, among others. And download BLK JKS' top-tier Africa In Your Earbuds mixtape.

[H/T RollingStoneZA]

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