Watch Shola Amoo's Subtle Sci-Fi Short 'Touch'

Watch Shola Amoo's 'Touch,' a short sci-fi film about love and technology starring Tanya Fear, Alexis Rodney, and Nina Edwards.

Watch Shola Amoo's Subtle Sci-Fi Short 'Touch'

London-based Nigerian filmmakerShola Amoo's film short Touch has made waves all over the international film scene since we posted the teaser back in 2013. After screening at London's Short Film Festival,  BAM's New Voices in Black Cinema's showcase, and Addis Ababa's Colours of the Nile Festival, Touch was released online last week for all to watch. The subtle sci-fi short tells the story of Jessica and George, two lovers navigating desire (and technology) in the expansive green fields of near-future Lincolnshire. Beautiful scenery, compelling performances from Alexis Rodney (Guardians of The Galaxy) and Tanya Fear (Kick Ass 2), and insightful commentary about the limits of human experience make the  film feel longer than its brief 13 minutes would suggest. Watch Touch below and stay tuned for Amoo's forthcoming feature length A Moving Image, starring Tanya Fear as “a 21st century creative in a rapidly gentrifying city.”

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